Thursday, May 21, 2009

Some common Myths about Exercising :


1.You Will Burn More Fat If You Exercise Longer at a Lower Intensity.
This is the biggest myths that one has. The most important focus in exercise is the amount of fats that you burn while you are doing that activity. The faster you walk, step or run, for example, the more calories you use per minute. However, high-intensity exercise is difficult to sustain if you are a beginner or you have not exercised for a while, so you may not exercise very long at this level. It is safer, and more practical, to start out at a lower intensity and work your way up gradually.

2. If You're Not Going to Work Out Hard and Often, Exercise Is a Waste of Time.
This kind of thinking keeps a lot of people from maintaining or even starting an exercise program. Research continues to show that any exercise is better than none. For example, regular walking or gardening for as little as an hour a week has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease.

3. Yoga Is a Completely Gentle and Safe Exercise.
Well this belief is very wrong. Yoga is an excellent form of exercise, but some styles are quite rigorous and demanding both physically and mentally. As with any form of exercise, qualified, careful instruction is necessary for a safe, effective workout. Some exercises if not continued and abruptly stopped can cause serious health risks.

4.Regular Exercise Will Help You Lose Weight Quickly.
This is also a wrong belief. In reality, genetics play an important role in how people respond to exercise. Studies have shown that a group of people who have been following the same set of exercises response differently and weight loss is also different.

5. Exercise Alone Will Keep Your Weight In Check.
This is the general misconception. Weight gain or loss is depends on various factors, including dietary intake and genetics. All individuals will not lose the same amount of weight on the same exercise program. It is possible to be active and overweight. However, although exercise alone cannot guarantee your ideal weight, regular physical activity is one of the most important factors for successful long-term weight management.

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